Benefits of facilities management software (Tork Vision Cleaning)

Benefits of facilities management software 

Managing a facility is a complex job, encompassing diverse areas from safety and maintenance to sustainability and hygiene. So, prioritizing and simplifying some tasks, can make a big difference in your performance. 
Imagine a centralized platform that removes unnecessary time-consuming tasks, freeing you to focus on other aspects of your business. This is precisely what facilities management software such as Tork Vision Cleaning can achieve for you.
Let’s dive deeper into what facilities management software is and its benefits. Specifically, we'll explore Tork Vision Cleaning, an innovative tool that can optimize your business's hygiene and cleaning practices. 

What is facility management software? 

Facilities management software is a digital tool that helps your organization manage its physical assets, such as buildings and equipment. Different types of software streamline different daily tasks such as cleaning activities, inventory management, and resource allocation. 
This kind of technology simplifies management jobs, including reporting, planning, communication, and resource allocation. That makes it easier for you to stay organized and make better informed business decisions.
In a nutshell, facility management software can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and keep processes running smoothly in your company.

What are the benefits of facility maintenance management software? 

Some of the key benefits of these digital tools include:

Improved operational efficiency 

Facilities management software streamlines business processes by automating tasks based on set criteria. This ensures timely upkeep, reducing downtime and preventing issues. As a result, your business can save time and money while boosting employee productivity by allowing them to focus on higher-priority tasks. 

Cost savings 

Facilities management software can help reduce costs for your business by providing you with detailed insights into its operations. This includes resource usage, energy consumption, and inventory levels. Easy access to this type of information allows you to identify areas for improvement such as waste management and resource allocation. 

Enhanced communication and collaboration 

Many of these digital tools can enhance communication and collaboration by providing centralized data and real-time updates. This allows everyone involved in your facility’s management to access to the same information, reducing misunderstandings, and improving coordination. That means facilities management software is particularly useful for large organizations with multiple teams. 

Better reporting and analytics 

Facilities management software's reporting and analytics provide valuable insights into performance. By analyzing metrics like resource usage, you can identify trends, assess practices, and make data-driven decisions to boost productivity and sustainability. This enables continuous improvement of your business operations. 

What is Tork Vision Cleaning?

Tork Vision Cleaning is facilities management software designed to improve cleaning efficiency and support better hygiene in your business. It uses real-time data from sensors in your facility’s restroom and dispensers to inform your cleaning staff of exactly where and when a hygiene product refill is needed. This helps ensure you meet your restroom users’ needs and that no time is wasted doing it. In fact, 97% of customers using our facilities management software said that Tork Vision Cleaning helped them improve hygiene standards in their facility. [1]
Our software leverages real-time data to provide you with actionable insights. Your facilities management teams can then use this information to transform the way cleaning tasks are done.
Tork Vision Cleaning includes the following features to give you data-driven insights:
  • Visitor heatmaps: They give you real-time traffic analytics, highlighting hotspots and trends, so you can focus cleaning efforts where they are needed most.
  • Digital cleaning plans: These deliver clear instructions and up-to-date information for cleaners, helping them do their job efficiently and correctly.
All this input allows you to make informed decisions for your business, promoting smooth operations for facility management teams.

How does Tork Vision Cleaning work? 

Tork Vision Cleaning is a cloud-based facilities management technology. Here's a simple breakdown of how it works: 
  1. Sensors measure visitor traffic and dispenser refill levels. All this data is collected and stored in standard data handling systems. This ensures security, reliability, and scalability. 
  2. Facilities managers access this real-time information on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop to make faster, data-driven decisions. 

How Tork Vision Cleaning supports your business 

Tork Vision Cleaning provides numerous benefits — from cost savings to improving the efficiency of your facility. Let’s break them down:

Enables higher cleaning standards at your facility

Tork Vision Cleaning lets your cleaning staff know exactly when and where they are needed, so you can focus on other business processes. For example, our facilities management software helps you ensure that hand sanitizer and soap dispensers are stocked 99% of the time. [2] This means you can more effectively meet hygiene standards and provide a better experience for every restroom user in your facility. 
High-quality cleaning is essential for any business, as it enables a positive impression of your facility and can enhance the overall satisfaction of your visitors and employees. A survey by The Cintas Corporation found that 68% of Americans would have their opinion of a business negatively impacted by restrooms with empty hand soap, toilet paper, and paper towel dispensers. [3] This comes to show how vital it is for your business to keep a clean and hygienic environment.
Tork Vision Cleaning can help you keep up with these demands and elevate your standards. In fact, 75% of our customers say they reduced complaints as a result of using our facilities management software. [1]

Optimizes your business’s efficiency

With Tork Vision Cleaning, you can streamline your cleaning operations. Our advanced system allows you to reduce the frequency of dispenser checks by up to 91%, freeing up valuable time for your staff. [4]
Additionally, you can save up to 20% on cleaning hours, making your workforce more productive. [5] Our software’s built-in analytics and insights offer a detailed overview of your facility’s cleaning needs, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that further enhance your business's overall efficiency.

How Tork Vision Cleaning caters to your specific needs

Different facilities have different needs and requirements. Tork Vision Cleaning has been designed with this in mind, providing you with three distinctive offers to choose from depending on your business needs. 
One option uses only live data from people counters, another adds real-time data from hygiene product dispensers, and our most complete offer, lets you create digital cleaning plans for all areas. This last option even includes rooms without connected devices, so you can schedule tasks for your entire facility. Let’s have a closer look at each of them.

1. Facility Flow

Our Facility Flow proposition lets you know when and where to prioritize cleaning tasks based on visitor traffic data. Its major benefits include:
  • Smarter staff management
  • Cleaning tips based on live visitor traffic data 
  • Cleaning schedules that match real-time needs

2. Refill on Demand

Our Refill on Demand option lets you know when and where hygiene products refills are needed. This helps you:
  • Restock hygiene supplies faster
  • Improve budget and inventory management 
  • Enhance efficiency by reducing unnecessary dispenser checks 

3. Full Offer

Last but not least, our Full Offer  transforms the way you work thanks to data-driven cleaning plans. Its advantages include:
  • Up-to-date cleaning strategies for your facility
  • More efficient results and higher cleaning staff satisfaction 
  • Easy adjustment to changes in hygiene procedures and demand 
A great aspect of our wide Tork Vision Cleaning offering is that you can mix and match according to your business needs. Our ultimate goal at Tork is to help you improve hygiene and efficiency at your facility so it can thrive.
To sum up, facility management software is a great way to enhance your business operations and optimize costs. And when it comes to keeping up with increased hygiene and cleanliness standards, Tork Vision Cleaning has your back. Embracing new technologies can help you work smarter and even strengthen business results, ultimately contributing to your long-term success. So why not book a demo of Tork Vision Cleaning today?
To learn more about facilities management maintenance and the right cleaning products for the job, have a look at our practical guide. 


[1] Based on survey results conducted in November/December 2023 of 69 managers using Tork Vision Cleaning in 18 countries globally.
[2] Measured across nearly 13,000 connected dispensers between June-December 2019, based on time per month that a dispenser is in an empty status against total time per month.
[4] Based on customer feedback for dispenser checks over 6 months before vs after installing Tork Vision Cleaning (between June-December 2019). Measured across 16 sites connected to Tork Vision Cleaning, with each dispenser check taking approx. 20 seconds.
[5] Based on the documented results achieved by three Tork Vision Cleaning customers, measured before and after the implementation of Tork Vision Cleaning.