Staff wellbeing ideas

10 employee well-being ideas for your business 

Prioritizing employee well-being can be challenging when there’s a pile of other tasks needing your attention, but it is an essential part of a productive workplace. Creating a company culture that values well-being can lead to improved morale, increased engagement, and, ultimately, better business performance. Simply put, it is worth your efforts.
So, we're here to help you better understand what employee well-being entails and give you some practical, effective ideas to get started. When implemented correctly, these tips can increase the likelihood of a motivated and happy workforce.  

What is employee well-being and why is it good for your business? 

In a nutshell, employee health and well-being is all about ensuring that people are taken care of holistically so they feel good at work. This involves company initiatives that not only allow your employees to thrive in their careers but also to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Keeping a satisfied, healthy, and safe workforce is a win-win for everyone. Among many benefits, investing in employee well-being programs can result in:
  • Cost savings
  • Reduced absences
  • Increased productivity
  • Higher employee retention and job satisfaction
  • Enhanced company reputation
For a deep dive on each of these points, check out our guide to the basics of employee well-being and why it's important.

Employee well-being ideas for your business 

There are many ways for you to demonstrate commitment to improving conditions for your workforce. To help you get started, it’s important to understand that employee well-being is made up of three key pillars:
  1. Physical well-being 
  2. Mental & emotional well-being 
  3. Social well-being 
A best-in-class approach includes all three of these dimensions, so let’s break each of them down with actionable tips.

Physical well-being initiatives 

Most of us are familiar with the toll that illness can take on our productivity, even with health issues as basic and common as a flu. With physical health being the cornerstone of performance, it becomes clear why it is crucial to invest in this area of your employees' well-being.
Some strategies to keep your workforce’s physical health at optimal levels are:

1. Provide a clean & hygienic work environment 

A tidy and hygienic workspace reduces the spread of germs, leading to fewer sick days and promoting better health at work and overall. Cleanliness not only reduces the risk of developing new illnesses but also prevents aggravating existing ones, such as allergies. 
Essential products to stock up on at your facility to maintain a clean and hygienic workspace include:
Implement a Clean Desk Policy
If your workplace is an office, it’s a good idea to set some rules for desk hygiene and security. With this in place, you can promote employee health and protect your confidential company information.
You might need to add other points to cater for the needs of your specific business, but here is a simple template to help you get started:
1. Nice and tidy
  • When your desk is clean and free from paper and chaos, your office space looks professional and efficient. You could also feel more in control in a well-organized environment.
  • When sharing desks, minimize mess. That way, you can easily switch to a meeting room or leave at the end of the day.
  • Remember that a clutter-free desk is easier to keep clean. 
2. Hygienic
  • Sharing desk space, keyboards, and other accessories comes with a potentially increased hygiene risk.
  • Wipe and disinfect all work equipment to minimize hygiene hazards.
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly to help keep yourself and your colleagues healthy.
  • Don’t work at the office if you are ill.
3. Secure
  • When you leave your desk, safely store any documents with sensitive company information.
  • For additional security, make sure to switch on your computer’s password-protected screensaver.
  • Do not write down work passwords on sticky notes or papers.
  • Pay attention to what you show in online meetings and make sure confidential information is not displayed.
  • You may not know who will be using your desk when you leave it: keep control of sensitive information to reduce the risk of a data breach and identity theft.
  • When you leave your desk for the day, don’t leave papers, sticky notes, or other documents on it, especially if they contain sensitive information.

2. Get your employees moving 

While not everyone’s body is capable of intense exercise, there are a number of simple ways to get your employees to engage in wellness activities, regardless of their physical abilities. For instance, you could:
  • Offer after-work classes for all fitness levels and abilities (like lunchtime yoga sessions, aerobics, or running/walking clubs)
  • Invest in adjustable desks to give office employees the flexibility to alternate between standing and sitting throughout the day
  • Set up inclusive workplace sports teams to not only encourage physical activity but also boost social well-being through team bonding

3. Offer health checks and screenings </h4>

It can be difficult for employees to balance their work and personal lives while also finding time to attend doctor's appointments. While offering flexibility to attend such commitments is a great step, providing regular basic checks and screenings within your facility is a next level perk to help your workers keep on top of their health.  
Examples of such medical services include:
  • Vision and hearing evaluations  
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol tests  
  • Vaccinations (especially those not covered by mandatory healthcare coverage)
If your business includes fully remote employees, keep them in mind so they can access these benefits too.

Mental & emotional well-being initiatives 

Health is not just about our bodies being in top condition, but also our minds and hearts. Prioritizing the mental well-being and emotional health of your employees is crucial at a time when stress and burnout have become commonplace in most jobs. According to research by the American Psychological Association, around 43% of people reported feeling stressed during their workday. That number rises to more than three in five among workers who experience lower psychological safety at work. [1]
Preventing and addressing any issues before they become a performance problem make it more likely for your employees to be productive and happy in their jobs.
Try these ideas to boost your employees' mental health and create a supportive environment for them:

4. Provide access to mental health resources 

Coping with stress and mental health conditions starts with support, and a great way to do that is ensuring easy access to the right resources. Giving your employees a variety of options helps them improve their mental well-being in the way that best suits them. Some resources your company could offer are:
  • Psychological and psychiatric services: whether that’s via online mental health apps or on-site appointments
  • Training sessions: these raise awareness and provide all your employees with tools to aid themselves and each other. If you’re unsure of where to start, the topic of emotional intelligence is a great foundation for self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation skills that everyone can benefit from
  • Support groups: they help your workers find community and peer encouragement
  • Financial counselling: economic pressures can also strain your employees’ mental well-being. But you can change this. On top of paying fair salaries, a little guidance with financial planning and management can have a positive impact 

 5. Offer flexible work hours and mental health days 

An integral part of caring for your employees' mental well-being is enabling a healthy work-life balance. So, wherever possible, why not offer them flexible work hours and remote working? Research from the International Workplace Group reports that 47% of workers experienced less work-related stress thanks to hybrid working. [2] 
While fully remote working is possible for many businesses, the nature of some tasks may only allow for hybrid schemes in many cases, and in others, just the possibility for employees to modify their own schedules. There are many ways about it. What’s most important is to explore ways in which people working at your company can more easily balance work with their personal lives.
Additionally, offering workers a few extra days away from work to switch off and focus on their mental health can go a long way in reassuring them how committed the company is to their well-being.

6. Create mental health reflection spaces 

Having a relaxing, appealing space where employees can step away for a few moments after a hectic meeting or during a challenging shift can be a game-changer for their well-being. Allowing employees to gather their thoughts before tackling the next task can prevent burnout-related mistakes and keep your business standards high.
Such reflection spaces aren't meant to just offer a break, but to represent a workplace culture that genuinely values mental health. To help you get started, here are a few tips for setting this up at your facility:
  • Choose an area with minimal noise disruption 
  • Install soft lighting or make use of natural light to create a peaceful atmosphere
  • Add comfortable seating to allow employees to relax their bodies as well as their minds 

7. Develop appreciation and recognition systems 

An important part of maintaining emotional well-being among your employees is showing them that they matter to your company. This appreciation can have a knock-on effect on your workforce. According to research by software company Nectar, over 80% of employees feel that recognition affects their motivation to succeed. [3]
There are many ways to show how much you appreciate your employees and their contributions, including:
  • Verbal or written praise in meetings and company communications
  • Taking their efforts into account for career progression
  • Celebrating both personal and professional milestones
An often-overlooked way to demonstrate you value your workforce is taking the time for mental health check-ins. This can look like a periodic one on one where team leaders ask open-ended questions and listen actively to explore their reports’ emotional status. While this kind of initiative is often a management responsibility, it doesn’t have to be exclusively theirs. Why not encourage peers to check in on each other too?
These conversations don’t have to be formal, what is important is to keep them separate from work-related and performance catch-ups. That helps coveys how important emotional and mental health is and allow for genuine dialogue. And remember, fostering a culture of psychological safety where everyone feels included and secure is key to this dimension of employee well-being.

Social well-being initiatives 

We spend a significant portion of our lives with the people we work with, so it only makes sense for the social aspect to play a big role in overall employee well-being. Prioritizing this can help you promote cohesive, collaborative, and motivated teams. So, how to make that happen? Here are some ideas to enhance social health in your workplace:

8. Organize social events and team-building activities 

Social events and team-building activities encourage stronger interpersonal relationships, build trust, and create a sense of belonging among employees. Not only that, but they can also promote a positive work environment, boost morale, and improve collaboration and communication within teams.
Events can be as simple as an organized lunch in your facility’s cafeteria or as elaborate as a big summer cookout. You can include team building activities such as sports and quizzes, enabling healthy competition and refreshing interactions between your employees.

9. Design mentorship programs 

Part of creating a culture of social health is not only ensuring that employees are satisfied and get along but also having opportunities to learn from each other.
Mentorship programs are a great way to take social well-being to that next level. They inspire a sense of community by pairing less experienced workers with seasoned ones, facilitating guidance, support, and personal development. Through regular interactions, mentors and mentees develop mutual trust and respect, which enhances problem solving skills and strengthens workplace bonds. 
In addition, mentorship programs encourage a culture of continuous learning, giving employees a boost in motivation and potentially even improving your company’s innovations.

10. Offer volunteering opportunities 

Social well-being extends far beyond the workplace, and giving your employees time to give back as a team strengthens relationships with each other and their community. 
Contributing to meaningful causes can bring a sense of purpose and fulfilment, which enhances personal satisfaction and well-being. It also provides a chance to connect with colleagues in a different context, strengthening relationships and bringing your teams closer together.
An added bonus to implementing volunteering initiatives is that they can enhance your business's reputation as a sustainable organization. This can, in turn, attract and retain top talent and build stronger relationships with your community.
To encourage employee participation, you can ask them what kind of volunteering work they would be most invested in, such as cleaning up nature areas or supporting animal shelters. 
Implementing comprehensive employee well-being programs is a strategic way to cultivate a thriving and engaged workforce. By investing in initiatives that address every aspect of employee health, you can create a supportive and vibrant work environment where every worker feels valued and motivated. From ensuring a hygienic facility and flexible work arrangements to team-building activities and mentorship programs, there are many options to enhance workers’ satisfaction. As you consider these ideas, remember that each step you take towards improving employee well-being is an investment in the long-term success of your company.
To learn more ways of taking your business to the next level, why not discover our guide to health and safety at work?